12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
October 29, 2022
October at Applewood: Recipes & Winter Garden Prep
Event Details
Join us for October at Applewood every Saturday to learn about how and why we care for the grounds, house, and collections at Applewood. Learn new skills you can use at home or in your community as we explore how caring for our yards and gardens or preserving our history are important forms of civic participation. Drop in anytime from noon to 3:00pm.
Winter Garden Prep: Help us put the gardens “to bed” for the winter. Learn which plants to remove to prevent diseases, which to leave to provide over-wintering shelter for wildlife and beneficial insects, and the best ways to mulch and protect your soil from harsh winter weather. We’ll also go over garden record-keeping so you can keep track of yearly tasks.
Favorite Recipes: Discover how we care for the recipes and cookbooks in our collections, and learn the best ways to preserve your own favorite recipes. Take home recipe cards to add to your collection!